I'm trying to post less, than my over-posting, this weekend.
More deliberate in my actions....
Turn the volume down.
I read through a few of the past posts, and realized how sloppy they were. Of course I want to convince myself that these posts are the anomaly, and not my normal dribble.
The morning has started slow. I'm trying to get in the flow.( Poet, know it)
But I need to remember it takes 2 cups for me to get going.
More work... Less Bullshit!.. that is all...
This is rolling through my head:
"You, the one who waited....
You have waited long enough!"
Stop waiting, and GO!
I can't believe the pendulum has already swung from "trying to post more" to "trying to post less"!!
I'm working on some new ones, but did you see how much I posted...?
And I had 3 more in me, that I didn't post...
You have to give readers a break.
I'm working on some new stuff.
I am for quality, but at the risk of losing quanitity, sometimes you just gotta post.
I think there is a fine balance and between the three of us, we'll find it, otherwise it could be the conspiracy keeping us from finding perfection!!
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