Tuesday, March 23, 2010


1:30 am.... I've been up since midnight.

There is nothing to do at 6pm... So I lay in bed and fall asleep.

Then here I am at midnight... Hoping to fall back asleep.

I had such a nice ride this weekend,

I may have to accelerate the training schedule. I may try and see If I can upscale to some bigger rides, in the next training block.

I'm contemplating this... The problem is recovery, I barely felt recovered, even 2 days later. I probably need to eat better, but when I'm just tired... And just want to rest... Get afraid of over-eating... so then it's harder to recover...

and I can't just sit for hours and hours Recovering.... Let alone Days....

So... to get the big rides in, i'm going to need to recover faster...

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