Saturday, August 22, 2009

Seen this show before!

Same old story... Same old show!

This week has been a thing It all started this weekend with this nasty feeling that... Just one of those nasty feelings you get, It's bullshit but. Thinking that something was going to go bad can certainly Create it. I absolutely don't believe in hocus pocus!... but I do know that sometimes you have to listen to a nagging Voice in your head that says "Watch out" That and most of the things that went wrong this week Were Well out of my Control, and Very Random.

With all of that, and a "Return of The mop"... I had a conversation about how I " Play the Mop ", and it's not like I've been at this Again! For the most I've been hit and miss at "Playing the Mop" since May. In my defence is sort of gives me ... well the blog can be my Training Coach! It reminds me to ride, and sort of gives me someone to answer to.

Of course then there is the Ungodly Terror I raise out there Among the masses... My Nebulous Cypher Enigmatic...... Nonsense!.....

And what is the big question of "The Mop!!!"??? Do we remember?... Do I remember?....


and in the course of this I also have to ask.....

is it because, again I'm "Playing the Mop!" that i'm asking these questions.

All on a Saturday, When I honestly should be Cranking out some work.

And not Mentally Masturbating Existentialism!


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