Monday, June 23, 2008

The 2 Correys or is it coreys

I only watched the last 2 episodes... and as a regular reader knows, my love hate relationship with TV.... It's always volatile.

Sometimes the thing with ... Blogs and Reality T.V. , Well sometimes you are just watching a Car Wreck.

I caught a few episodes of Gene Simmons Family Jewels, now that is great, it's a total put on. And makes me realize what a Genius Gene is.. Regardless of his poor performance in "RunAway"... But I will Grant a decent performance in "Wanted: dead or alive", a very unappreciated action movie.

But I digress... I figured 2 Correys was a put on too, but it's been escalated this season... Understand I grew up with them, Even had some respect for Haim back in the lucas days.. maybe even Murphy's romance, I was even learning to drive when "Licence to drive" came out(with Roller Girl BTW)... Sorry I don't want to go off on too many tangents.

Well 1990 hit as did my graduation from HighSchool, and effectively they both self destructed... and here I am Nearly 20 years later, watching the same car Wreck...

One can hope that Haim can get his shit back together, but sometimes you realize that someone was so fucked up for longer than they can remember anything else, there may not be another choice....

I guess that is the thing I hope, I hope I'm watching it to hope that the guy gets his shit together, as opposed to watching another disaster.... The guy does seem to have a desire to bang his head against the things that are holding him back..... That Is the thing about personal Daemons, You sort of have to Bang your head against them, or face them until they become manageable... worst thing is to run from them.... Cause they will get you for sure, if you run.

What a stupid thing to blog about..... And As distracted with other things, as I am... I know... it's fairly incoherent....

I guess my point is...... I hope I have the Strength to not waist my time watching this Crap.... Oh, and my liberal use of Capitalization... WTF is up with that... Hey, sorry it's all I have..

Tennis starts in 20 minutes.

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