I wish on Friday night I could sleep more than 5-6 hours....
I deserve 8 and 9 or 10 would be sweet!
I'm working up my energy for some kind of 30 mile ride or something....
Guess I should check the weather...
FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!... NO NO NO NO!!! I need to bike in the morning....
"Showers and thunderstorms before noon, showers and thunderstorms after noon."
The weather her is the SAME!!!! how in the hell.... do we get 2 weeks of rain in June!! or has it been 3.....
The real irritant is that my medium light jacket just barely fits my midsection... Fucking Idleness!!!
I'm still not happy with my Heart Rate.... I'd like to see a nice sitting heart rate in the low 40's on a consistent basis.
Just an update... My ass hurts less, and my back.... but they do hurt... but it's now the tendons that are .... "Trying to build up"...
of course I've put more of my "Normal Hills" back in my route, which is part of it.... More stress on the body....
Oh!!!! WTF sometimes!!!! WTF!!!
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