SO... I hate to keep doing this..... because I think I'm doing it for my EGO!
And.... I could still be wrong....
But.... Unfortunately we are in a Bear market.... Stocks will be shunned for 10 years minimum....
which suggests that overall .... Long term, they are a steal right now over a 30 year span.. Though maybe a little toppy in a 6 month to 1 year... time frame..
But... My Models say that the market is going to take a dip here... between now and November...
I'm not saying from now till November... just there will be a significant dip .. .and that is when you put the big money to work....
but there also will be a sort of MUDDLE... where the Economic data is Uneven and it drives traders Mad!!! and then Finally they Give up again..... That will be the next big dive.......
BUT IF I were buying a home.... I would look to lock in a Loan in the 4.5% range..... YOU HAVE TO LOCK IT IN...... and right now you are getting 5.5%... which is very high..... in relative terms...
There are those that would disagree with me... but.... I tend to be a bit of a contrarian... and 4% is big return on a 10 year in this environment of global instability.... etc....
but after that dip back into the 4% range... this fall, that might be your last chance for a 4% mortgage.
of course taking financial advice from me... could be a mistake...
but THEY NEED YOU TO BUY A HOUSE... and that will go on for some time.... Housing doesn't rebound like the market does.... and there is and will continue to be an oversupply
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