I was reading blogs this morning...
First of all, I read a story that blogging is dead. Apparently it's all about Twitter. "I ate Cereal this morning...." "Ashton Kutcher is a Douche".....
I took off yesterday, on the bike... I looked out and figured the storm had missed Salt lake...and all I was dealing with was some high wind...
Right at my turn around point, It started POOORING!!! Let me just say, it doesn't rain here. For those that have ever experience "Real Rain" like Seattle Rain, or Monsoon Rain, or East Coast Rain... Rain that makes you think "Umbrella's are useful" as opposed to how we look at Umbrellas in utah... that they are an interesting Accesory for Fassion.
But after about 5 minutes it was actually Raining. I was lucky, because I decided to actually grab my Rain jacket... Since WTF do I know... and I figured there was a chance we would get a Light rain. I ended up stopping and sitting in some shelter for a few minutes... Not that the weather got better, but at least I mellowed out, and warmed up... got the jacket Tightened up...
One of the things I like about "How I Roll"... is that I don't tend to let the weather stop me.
So... Market update... somewhere here is my final high... and we should get a segnificant retest.
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