big move stage ten 2001... the infamous Possum... and yet I wonder if Astana is playing possum again, or if it's a replay of 2007 or 2008 when it was too many leaders not enough support... and it was like cats in a burlap bag....
I made it out for a nice ride.... my 4 mile hill of pain.... but I felt good... and even now I'm not bad...
Better living through chemistry...
If I had a cycling team... I would name it the fruit and berry snatchers... I was out and noticed that there were all these squashed ripe fruit on the road and had to circle back to take a little mid ride feed, on some Mulberries... those are the sort of bitter berries that grow on the trees, go from red to black and are edible... this reminds me that the cherries must be coming on, then apricots, peaches, apples... then fall.
I also had my first run in with some charming family coming out of church... who tried to kill me....
Is it that church is so bad, that you just want to get the hell home... and that is why all the bad driving.... or is it that your head is with all the celestial bodies and on the planet Kolob...
I am literally 50%/50% on people who have tried to kill me Normal drivers vs. people in schoolZones and churches...
alright... try not to hate the mormons...
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