Isn't that the point, Why would we want to stop Living our lives, to reflect on them, Seems like a Conundrum that. "Hang on a moment, I need to stop living, So I can blog about my life". Just Enjoy it!
FireStar, missed hers. I figure I stepped up and did #30Daysofriding, for someone. I can do some blogging for someone.
#30daysofcontent #6 for Firestar
a. the freely given, unmerited favor and love of god.
b.the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them.
c.a virtue or excellence of divine origin: the Christian graces.
d.Also called state of grace. the condition of being in God's favor or one of the elect.

When I was younger, I didn't understand the concept of Grace. It was a word. It meant "a Prayer", it seemed like a concept that involved god!
When I was older, I reflected on it. I realized, that there was not just Grace from God, but that We Humans could behave in a "State of Grace". That we could Help to Regenerate, the strength in others. That we could Freely give, unmerited Favor. Grace is a very beautiful concept.
That we too, can move through life, with forgiveness for the trespasses, we can move with grace.
That we can, take Heart in OUR OWN MISTAKES, accept them as beautiful Learning experiences.
This is actually a new one for me, to allow myself a mistake. To Look at a multitude of choices I can make, and say, "I'm going to go with what my heart says and if it's wrong, So be it!"..... If I make a mistake, it was one I made because I "Felt like it was the thing to do.". If I am wrong, I will face the consequences, and learn from my mistake, and move on! That is another "State of Grace"... an internal "State of Grace", one that I practice on Myself. A state of Forgiveness of Myself, by Myself.
Maybe some of the worst Judgments, are not by other people, but are the ones we pass on ourselves. Yes, I messed up!. I can admit it, and do My best to learn from it, and then maybe I can move on.
Such is Life!
Such is life, in a 'state of grace'.
Thanks for catching me up, it's a good post! To bad I missed Sunday too.
Thank you!
Let me know, I'll do sunday and today for you!
but Ryan is on his own!
but that may take the joy out of it.
Now I want to do a post on "Joy", and what that means to me! 2 paragraphs with content.
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