I'm trying to give some updates.... Finally some progress in the garden... Final plantings of peas, Corn... all tilled..... I get to spend tomorrow creating a new compost pile.
This is a Horror, I'm addicted to Brittan's got Talent....
Unknown just posted something solid... I'm going to have to reach for something... just to... not be Embarrassed.... Speaking of embarrassment... have you heard of this new cycling blog.
Well, I best not just stare at this cursor flash all night. There is a lot to worry about in our economy.... "No Shit" you say. I have a great mentor these days, very amazing. The things that are worrying arn't so much what people are worried about... Most of you people need some medication. The thing that concerns me... is how Lazy you fuckers are... If you don't know what blog "The Big Picture" is... Well, Barry was bitching about how Wachovia employees couldn't post comments. There were some very slick comments... most of which were "I hate to tell you this... MR. Fake Economist" But one of the great challenges we are facing is the loss of productivity to the Internet.... as People spend their day surfing Huffington Post/ Pollitico/ Facebook etc.... instead of work. I kid you not, every company in America needs to shut down or very much control what employees can surf... and reading news.... That is what you do in the morning as you drink coffee at home.
Don't you fucking lie to me and say "I was doing it on a break", seriously people are sitting at their desks half the day, surfing. Then we have the people bitching about the United Auto workers.... Want me to tell you who isn't surfing all day? the UAW. I'm not sure if you have ever worked a "Line" or even seen a line, but I kid you not it would be tough just to watch some guy put in front Windshields all day, let alone do it. When I was a kid, I worked at a Print shop.. and the Collation machine broke. We spent 72 hours busting our asses putting together 30 page presentations. It Ain't fun, and if you work at a job where you can surf all day......
But that some of you think you can get away with this, or that your bosses aren't putting a boot on your neck to keep that from happening. Just don't kid yourself, we aren't as productive as you think. And if Americans would Buckle down and get to work... We may see some "prosperity".... But that about half the people I know waist hours everyday "Surfing"... and think they can get away with it......
So... big news... Sarah... the one I wined about for 3 months years ago... well she is getting married... There is more for me to toil about.... I don't know.. maybe I'm over it...
Solomon Burke-None of us are Free..
Free your mind and your Ass Will follow.
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