But I digress.
In an amusing twist of irony, It didn't rain on Obama during his speech where he wanted to kill all the babies........
But I will have everyone notice, that as The Republicans Meet. 2 hurricanes Pummel the south, and remind every person in this country, that Our administration. Sat on their fat asses, and let one of America's cities Drown.
We can argue nuances of Morality and Judgement. and whatever. And point fingers, at everyone and their dog. But the lack of response by the federal government.....
If there is a God, Dubja is going to rot in the lowest ring of hell.
What is the saying? "To those that Much is given, Much is expected." Nobody, in history has Floated to power on a Platform of Elitest entitlement, like G.W. Bush..... And when we placed the mantle, and responsibility of our safety, in his hands.....
He was asleep at the switch.... Like the Piece of shit, Objectivist, Selfish, narcissist, Ego maniacal FRAT BOY! he is.
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