Ingredients needed are:
2 cups milk chocolate(I used to use the big Hersheys bars)
2 cups nuts(pecan's or walnuts... these are $$$$$ so you can reduce if you want.)
2 cups sugar
2 cups butter-1 pound-4 cubes
(I know....... Take one pound of fat, and put one pound of sugar in it, and then cover it in 2 pounds of chocolate and nuts......... Ya!!!!! You don't have to tell me. Normally I stretch it out and do a little over a cup of chocolate, and a little under a cup of nuts. someone once told me about a meatball, wrapped in bacon,covered in sausage, Deep-Fried, then candied... this is that bad)

1-2 cups Pecans, some say walnuts
Nuts should be ground into small pieces,
but not powdered, Maybe the size of aspirin and a little smaller.
They can be chopped with a knife if your hoping to burn some calories doing this.
I use that little food processor below. Notice my coffee pot in the background...mmmm coffee.
Grinding chocolate manually will require a cheese grater. I always thought was fun as a kid. But.. to do this, and in order to get chocolate to grind up really well, chocolate needs to be frozen in the freezer and then can be ground. And... Us cyclists have such good circulation that chocolate just melts in my/our hands the second I/we touch it.
So I actually use a Salad shooter. :) And it rocks... years ago the worst part of toffee was the grinding... the difference between this process and the one I grew up on is so much easier... It literally used to take a team.
And have burned up 3 salad shooters in my 5 years of doing this.
did you know they are hard to find if it's not X-mas.
There it is Full color. Here is the calorie count.
6 oz of chocolate(one cup, not 2)= 900 calories
1 cup pecans= 900 calories
2 cups Butter= 1600 calories
2 cups Sugar= 1600 calories
Grand total= 5000 Calories or roughly 2 pounds of body fat per batch.(roughly)
So, I switch over to a Teflon pan 2 years ago. The pan on the right is the one I used before the Teflon. There are 2 reasons the Teflon is superior. less chance for your toffee to burn or "Smoke". Cleanup is so much easier, Before the Teflon I had to scrub the pot after every batch. Now I just rinse it.
To be continued...
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