I received an award once, one of those gag awards: "Everybody is entitled to my opinion." Yep, that is me, can't do anything about it.
I'm in sort of a toil mode. I was reading some Marx, earlier.
SO 8th photo of 8th folder.

Ok, you are getting Jipped...
Here is an oldie, that was a great hike.
Over the summer some quail moved into the garden, they are harmless, and seems like part of the ecosystem, I'm against throwing the ecosystem of the garden off, so... They are company.
Hmmm, this seems like a good time for this. So, I've been spending this time "Trading that hororshow that we call a stockmarket." You know, we have these crazy notions we get from Hollywierd, which are mostly brokers and financial advisors all dressed up in suits coining money doing very little but giving out poor advice.
The reality is very different. In fact some of the things you have to do are so counter intutative, it's gut Wrenching sometimes. Most people involved get about 4 hours of sleep a night, and suffer tons of sleep disturbance... some of my Real friends are Jellous... almost bitter, all they see is that it's like making money from nothing. I stare at charts for 3 hours a day, watch several charts live from 7:30-2. Spend the rest of my time reading newspapers, and news flow. All of that is about 12 hours of my day. The rest of the time is spent wondering what will happen, filling my head with "If->Then" statements.
as much as I have massive disdain for the entire financial industry, anyone who makes decent money at it, works very hard... Not to say that there aren't some worthless shitbags, Leveraging a Ponzi scheme at 40-1, even losing a shitload of peoples money, who still Bank shit loads of money...
but I still have friends who somehow think that it's easy..
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