What I like about it is that it's one of the first signs of "the new religion" Where it becomes "negative Theism" IE.. if you can't disprove it it must exist.
But if God Is what it is... and it's outside of Reality or existence, Then it becomes something You will never have evidence of therefore, you will never have a chance to disprove it.
but I digress.
Flahute and art are back on the economics rant again. This is what I like about Art; He likes to point out the inconsistencies about Government and our economic system.
but here is my deal, I've been charmed by this whole economic episode... Most charming is what I have heard for the past months from traders... and it's funny "The problem was we let Lehman Fail Which introduces Zero as an options for many companies, If we hadn't done that we would not be doing all this Socialism bailing out the banks. This is not the Free market when we are Bailing out the banks. Now With Zero as an option for companies there is no confidence in the system, and you can't invest."
I want to put this into a Formula
Letting Lehman Fail = Fremarket Act= The socialist Act of Rescuing Banks = Not a Fremarket System = No confidence = No investment.
But apparently the opposite would have been true.
The socialist act of rescuing Lehman = Not a Freemarket system = Not Rescuing banks = The Free market = confidence = Investment.
JUST TO BE CLEAR this isn't Art's Thesis.. this is just a Wallstreet Thesis.
The fun part for me is that at one point we are in a Very strange Alice in wonderland situation, Where just about everyone is very inconsistent with their logic.
But here is my Thesis... EVERYONE is very inconsistent with their logic, for the most part it's not logic it's just Rationalization, for their own narcissism. It's not for me to SHAKE MY FIST about how Ridiculous it all is. But to Realize how ridiculous everyone is, and figure out how to Profit from it.
Over all, if we allow the capitalist system to run like it should, it will collapse... and we will move on to a much more Socialist system. In fact you can suggest that it's a "Market solution" to the Capitalist system. If the Market collapses, and there is no confidence in Capitalism. The Socio-Economics of the market Will force a Much more socialist system.
In our Democracy the same thing is going on. We have tried Extreme Deregulation, and moving Heavily to the Supply side for the past 8 years... In fact it's been 30 years of that swing of the Pendulum. The Result of "the Free market" and it's Impressive 3 years of prosperity over the past 8 has made our citizens start to rethink "The Uber Free market."
I'm not saying right or Wrong, But that is the game.
But I'm a godless commie.... But I know the game.... It's for me to make money, regardless. Maybe I'm just Godless. ;)
I still love to vote.
maybe I'm just a Democrat.
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