Friday, October 11, 2013

Oh to be a fish...

   It’s late, I intend to write some new things for the blog. At this point I don’t know where to start. I guess that is certainly a starting point. But… the best start right now is a cup of tea.

   For the past Month, or more for the past Six months, many of my thoughts have been focused on questions of existence. As I sit here, I wonder if it is questions, it is more the question of existence. When I was younger, it was clear to me that it was a silly thing to contemplate, one just existed and existed as best as one could. Contemplating it was like being a mouse on a wheel.  

   Sigh…. I need lip balm….I really just had to spend 10 min finding lip balm or it was going to irritate me. Strangely it illustrates one of the things I have been contemplating about existence, the things interfering with our ability to lead the life we want to live, moreover I want to live. Suddenly at this stage in life, this question has started beating in my heart as loud as the tell tale heart in the poem. Not Ironic. No, I didn’t kill a guy… but the point is the same.

More later.
   Loving those that are the most difficult.
   Self created realities.
   etc etc etc...

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