Just a Primmer on Rollers; This is how to set up your bike for rollers. Place it in a doorframe, so that your elbows can be used to keep you upright, as you start. After some months on the rollers you won't need it. Also, having fewer objects to fall on, when you lose concentration, is a good thing too, so Mind the place where you are going to fall.
The other trick is to GO FAST!!! sounds crazy, but until the rear wheel is spinning at 15-20mph, it will have a hard time generating the centripetal force to keep you upright. Word is... Riding Rollers is like a Hippo on a TightRope.
This all means... RIDE A BIG GEAR!!! it sounds strange but.... GO fast!
Hopefully you have the rollers set up properly for the bike. The instructions should have shown you how.
Rollers teach;
- a complete pedal stroke, since it helps to keep you upright.
- It's also like working with a power Tap, since constant power is required.
- It teaches Focus, since if you don't keep your mind on what you are doing, you will end up in a heap of bike, roller, floor, and sometimes door/doorframe
- Bike Handling-After a few weeks of rollers, Holding a Line, is no problem.
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