On Ryan's recommendation I picked up "Run, Fat boy Run". It was good. For the most part it was sort of a retelling of a Documentary about a British guy named James Peak,Called
"Fat man running."

Who in order to get ready for his wedding, and to prove to his Fiancé that he could put his mind to something and accomplish it. Starts training with 6 months to go, which soon turned to 9 weeks, during which he trained for the London marathon.
"Fat man running."
Who in order to get ready for his wedding, and to prove to his Fiancé that he could put his mind to something and accomplish it. Starts training with 6 months to go, which soon turned to 9 weeks, during which he trained for the London marathon.
I totally sound like a snob, and the movie was funner than the documentary. But both were good. I enjoyed it...
I've seen about a zillion movies this weekend, I managed "Tropic of Thunder".. It was ok, "Enigma" which was smart and interesting. I also saw "Step Brothers" which was exactly what you expect. so it was good.
Umn.. So, I'm in my 3rd week of regular serious exercise. Finally it's getting good, the suffering is starting to pay off, The diet Sucks... What has happened to my cookies and milk, bedtime snack.. Seems Vegies and Balsamic vinegar, has replaced it..... I'm sure there are some cookies out there that are lonly for my company....
Speaking of which,
There is this woman I've been seeing on and off. It's a terrible relationship, Which is the worst part about a half assed relationship, when they won't go away...
My week is very stressful, and about Friday I can barley think. Friday I tend to have a minor melt down... usually just shake under the covers for about 14 hours. Saturday I recover, Fatigue and I try and get some stuff done. Sunday Finally I feel normal, And I just want to Feel normal, Eat, rest, Lick my wounds. So, spontaneously she calls up, and I just don't want to add her to my day, It may be one thing if I had already planned it... but I can be a stickler for my schedule.... So...
Now I'm in trouble, because I ignored her...
No wonder I'm, still single.
Back to my Carrots and Twigs... ;).... But I'll have you know, I've never been so regular.
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