I'm sitting here, I should be going to bed. Or Getting to bed... I am going to bed... but I should get there.
Thing are good with my Girlfriend, I'd say she tends to freak out a bit. It's ok... It's not a problem. I am trying hard to not Blog this part of my life. I would say that it's more than good..... It's actually Great. I'm very happy about it. I got her bike fixed, there are still some wonky issues I want to straighten out... some small stuff. It's funny how Anal I'm becoming about bikes, I'm actually very Anal about my workshop right now. ... but The bikes should work perfect.... Like a Ninja could ride it to kill someone. I also think that a few bike mechanics took advantage... there were some weird part combinations. Also somehow she ended up with silver and black front cainrings... and she said they had never been replaced... Odd that they would come that way from the factory.

One of these was the new chain, the other was the old... cut to the same number of links.
I have a good sense for what is going on "Globally" Emotionally... See I think that all emotions affect each-other. I make you angry, you make someone else angry..... etc.... so some emotions tend to spread... and the last 2 weeks have been kind of nasty. I had 2 different people have Melt downs in the past weeks, Then today I had another..... It's a trend.
Somebody said "The struggle is Life.... Life is a Struggle"... that is probably correct. Seems like some people struggle more than others. Seems like some people are victimizers some people....
It's interesting, One huge mistake is to think that you know what .... To think you know what someone else is saying... or what they are doing... what their motivation is.... or what their goal is.
I once talked about this as "Subtext". Many people think they Hear Subtext in what people are saying.... and it's true some people talk in Subtext... they imply things through what they say... The problem is when you are not direct... to not live with "Clear intent" as the Buddhists call it. Things are hard enough without being direct.... What you imply and what I infer.... can be totally different things. For the most part.... If i'm to cowardly to say it, and just imply it.... you should feel free to ignore it. See... I may even "imply" something that is unfair... because I can deny it. Also... I may just Imply it so that .... I'm covered "just in case"
For example:
You are being a Dick.....
I imply that you might be being a dick....
if you are being a dick... you may realize that I know it... then knock it off.
You also may not be being a dick... in which case... I'd hope you ignore it.
On my part... ya... I'm not living with clear intent....
And the problem is you may take offence to what I'm implying..... assuming you infer it correctly...
but seriously I can say to most people "Jesus You are a Dick" and most people will just blow it off... especially the dicks. So... If I imply it... people are 10 times as clueless...
All of this just leads to miscommunication...
Let alone when I just did something.... and didn't want to imply anything with it.....
"I just moved your shirt because it was in my way.... I wasn't saying you are a fucking slob"
Truthfully I know you are a slob... but WTF do I care... just move your fucking shirt.
I guess what I'm saying is.... Tons of people keep freaking out..... Knock it off...
And life is too short... Love a little...