Saturday, May 31, 2008
Well, now
Sharapova- Kuznetsova
in the semi-s.... I'll pick jancovic for an upset, er... Being upset... other than that she might lose before getting to the semi-s.
but that is easy........ I'll bet the Nadal Djocovic match being the match one not to miss.
This is all I have.... Sorry....
The woman's matches for the next week should all be "Can't miss".... The men's unfortunatly will be the Uber Treo(nadal, federer, djocovic) Just, taking people out to the woodshed.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Why is it that woman come onto the tennis scene at 17-19, and the men in their early 20's.... Is it a stregnth thing..... Maybe a focus thing, nothing like the poor focus of an 18 year old male.
The big shocker, Both Williams sisters were taken out by marginal players.....
Dang, They may achieve underdog/returning champion status... and I may have to start rooting for them..... Of course, I've been fond of venus for a couple years...
Both Odesnik and Cornet will have to come off the Widget.... I'm going to have to figure out who to replace them with.
I'm like ... Well it's a mile to the local coffee hut, I'll run there, drink my coffee run back...
about half way there... I'm like... You know what I'd rather do..... I'd rather be sitting in my office with a cup of my coffee watching tennis.... and I turn around...
It was something.... I got out, it was something... i'll do more tomorrow....
With Henin gone..
I guess I need a new favorite... and you have to have one that can make it to the quarters... Or there is this little french girl.
Alize Cornet
But Ana Ivonovic...... and if that didn't sell you....
of course with my luck, she will get blown out in the third...
In other news There is an american in the third.... there is another guy too.. but Wayne Odesnik is about to get stomped by djocavic ... in an hour or 2
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Over Share
Well... All the time I have hot erotic dreams about Martina Navratilova.... The problem with the dream relationship is that the whole time she just won't stop commenting about tennis!!!
James Blake
Just taken out in the second round... it was a good match... not great...
I'm starting to wonder why the Americans even show up...
and the French is my favorite slam.
But it's not like an American can win Wimbledon... the U.S. open, or the Australian.. but they sometimes make it to the quarters.
Sorry, for those of you who don't know, this year is a strong showing with 3 Americans making it to the second round..... as opposed to last year where no American man made it to the second round.... I'm not for nationalism... but it's just sad.... if it was video tennis I bet we could make it to the quarters.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Maybe I should pick up a racket!!!
I should, but... another sport???
That and I would have to find someone to play with... and as anti-social as I am... that's a tough sell.
Now what the hell was I going to blog about.....
Andromeda Strain, was ok, not as good as the original, and too much current political (Iraq) stuff... I'm as Weak Kneed, Lilly livered Peace-nick, environmentalist POS, as they get.... but the constant drum beat of Iraq Whining.... From Hollywierd... gets to me sometimes... it just feels like pandering, and disingenuous, I told you so, Hackery... that is so unproductive.... We are there, we did it.... Now what? that is what we should be tackling... Not recriminations....... Lame asses....
The Open is good, and there are even some American men still playing; Blake, and Some new guy... Can't remember his name. Roddick is going to retire from his Lackluster carrier of be "Best of, the Americans" just as lame as Hewitt and being "Best of Australians", and Henman "Best of the English".... It's something, but nothing to hang a proper hat on...
For those of you who, I may have never mentioned it... I spent some time in asia.... Funny thing is I've been cyber-Stalking people from that time.... Funny thing after 15 years, you don't remember names that well...
French open
Here is my bitch, there are 2 parts to a great athletes career, becoming a champion, and then dealing with the Decline, and fighting to stay on top, or fighting to come back... It's a very amazing thing.. but quitting when you are top, robs us from watching the second half of a brilliant carriers... And the Real Grace of a Champion.
Also, if you have Dish, the Tennis channel does the coverage of the french.... it starts at 3am, and in the early rounds they run 6 channels, 5 are a raw feed from the courts, so you can catch any match being played, your favorites... as opposed to whatever Sharapova, or Nadal are doing. And it gives you a chance to watch as all the Americans who can't play on clay, get their brains stomped in in the first and second rounds.
That is all
Monday, May 26, 2008
Andromeda Strain
This was a Great Sci-Fi movie from 1971..... I loved it as a kid, and now they have remade it and it's on A&E tonight, and tomorrow... and apparently every night until Armageddon....
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Life in the Teeth
I know many of you are not that familiar with what I've been up to for the past year plus, It's not worth getting into, nor is it that interesting. So, I'll not drone on.
For as long as you have known me, I've been trying my best to .... Improve my life, or make my life more... satisfying. Maybe this is just all our goals, and a Windmill we all charge at Daily. I'm not psyched to spend much time waisting away watching Sit-Coms or playing video games... I do see it as waisting my life... Though I've caught a good episode of Scrubs or played a few hours of a game or two... Just when I need some "numb mind" time.
This last week was a tough one, I had more things to do, that I could fit into the 16-20 waking hours of my days, and beyond that There was enough Stress that I always worry about my health. And as is my life, I had more people trying to get in my way, than trying to help.... Why don't people get that, are they so self centered that they don't get that we need to be of Benefit to each other, and that if we have a purpose in each other's lives, it's to help one another out...
and yet in my life..... There are just people out there who are filled with "I can't". It's just when they offer help, you realize you will spend every moment saying " now put your right hand on the Spade and then drive it into the dirt... Yep with both hands, now place your foot on top and push into the dirt...... About 10 minutes into this I realize, I may as well just do it for myself... Then they are all "well, you won't let me help you."
and that They have to figure out what they can do, and ask enough questions to realize what they need to do next. Just take some ownership of their actions, and what they are trying to accomplish... but of course all of this is why they can't get it done in the first place.
and to be honest, most people I find are defeating themselves, even they don't know why or how. It's not like I actually give a shit, why "You Can't", But don't doubt, I'm not interested in having you continue to hinder me getting stuff com pleated. Because apparently its also my job to figure out what your fucking dysfunction is as well.
For me, Life is a series of episodes of Kicking life in the Teeth, to try and get things done.... since that is who I am, I'm the guy who gets the job completed.... But ask yourself, if you're the person just going through the motions, and Leeching the Blood Sweat and Tears, off of those of us who literally have to kick their way through all the self created obstacles we create both for ourselves but also for the people around us.... Because yes I have those Daemons too, but I battle through mine........
Wine and Liquer pairings
.... Like every Lilly liped liberal, in his 30's, I'm getting into wine and food pairings.
Last night I realized what a miserable pairing 8 year old single malt is with PB&J...... Just so you know...
I'll keep you posted.....
Friday, May 23, 2008
I guess I need to blog
I'm psyched to check out "indiana jones and the temple of the growing prostate".
Should be good, I poke fun but I'm a huge fan.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
All around the water cooler, tomorrow
One of them won... The greasy one I think.....
Enjoy it..... Never to be heard from again..... I'm just waiting for one of the idol winners to hold up a liquor store.
America deserves $140 oil.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Your tech support update
When you upgrade your copies of XP to SP3 it will take HOURS.... HOURS.......
if it runs for 12 hours.... Then, maybe shut it off... but expect to have big problems...
The reason I make this point is because when SP2 came out... all the dimwhits in the world upgraded, and when it took more than 20 minutes.... They thought they would be smart and shut it down... because they didn't have time..... and then their machine crashed.... and somehow... in their child little lizard brains... it was someone else's fault.
I fixed 5 different computers last time, all of them from people who "Thought they knew something" about computers, and didn't have any patience....
"SP2 wrecked my computer."
"hmmm... interesting, i haven't seen that yet."
"ya the message boards are all about how SP2, wrecks your computer"
"well, what happened?"
"It locked up"
"Umn..... how long did you wait for it to install"
" 20 minutes"
"Ya, I have a very fast computer and it took over an hour. You can't shut computers off in the middle of Service Packs.... I had one that took 6 hours to install."
"oh.... but mine locked up..."
(ya buddy just keep that echo chamber that is your head going.... everything is always Microsoft's fault)
It's not that Microsoft isn't massively incompetent, but when your incompetence meets theirs.... that is where there is a very big problem.
But what do you care?
I was talking about how boring I am... I went to bed at 7:30 and got up at 2am.
How interesting is that?
If I had any sense this morning I'd run....
I'm very sorry this morning, I have no interesting thoughts..... I apologise, you came to my blog and I have nothing..... Maybe later...
All I can do is talk/think about commodities and Inflation...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
yep 1:20 am... Time to blog

I'm suspecting this post is going nowhere fast.... It's interesting that I can't sleep..... Ever. The only times I manage 8 hours straight is on the weekend.... I should have worn myself out today, but I was too worn out.
Well.... I guess this is all I have...
Saturday, May 17, 2008
More of....
This is what I've decided to start calling it when, I'm stuck in that purgatory of needing to sleep, and yet unable to sleep.... Good news Though, I'm catching up on my TV.....
Friday, May 16, 2008
Where was I..
So... I woke up at 1:30 am, tried to make it back to sleep and it looks like it's not going to happen.
Unfortunately this means I'll be irritable and exhausted all day, but it's Friday and that isn't unusual. I watch a lot of CNBC these days, Just for those of you who don't manage your investments.
- You are a fool. There are Millions of Investors, Wall Streeters, Bankers, Government Officials, that are picking your pocket every day. If you ever wonder about why you work so hard and never get ahead; well, most of that is your fault, and then those people who are good at it, are literally picking your pocket in little drops every day. You need to be as Literate in your investments, as you are in how to run your cell phone.
- Lies Lies Lies, 90% of... Wait a minute 20% of what people hear are Lies, and 70% of what you hear is people who believe those lies, and are repeating them.
I'm on this Current personal Theme about Ignorance, Part of which is that I even need to be open-minded to the Lying bullshit, that flows in our information Flow like Feces from a person suffering from E coli.... So, I watch CNBC, sometimes. BTW Light Sweet Crude is trading at $125.17, and Brent crude $123.84. I believe that near term, oil is not going to get much more expensive, as is gas, We may see that $4.00 gas this summer, but that will be a function of gas demand and not oil price.... there are possibilities of some better outcomes, for gas prices, and by that I mean Gas actually going down.... Part of this theory was that I heard $200 oil, last week and this week it's $800.... ever heard of irrational exuberance..... Ever heard of markets can stay irrational much longer than I can stay solvent....
Though, if you are one of those crazy people who would like to see fewer cars filling your lungs with Vile Shit on the Road, and us being forced to have a real Come to Jesus, about Renewable Resources, you may want to root for that $800 barrel of oil... Regardless of the Near Term Armageddon it could cause.
Back to my Ideas on ignorance. Its new to me that I should give some opportunity to listen to people who I believe are blatantly lying to me... The reason why? because when I figure out what some people "Want me to Believe", it gives me a better grasp on what is actually going on...... The Lady Doth Protest, Too Much!!!
I'm trying to post something to this blog every day, and hoping I can come up with some food for thought...... Without doing readings from... The Way of the Bodhisattva, Wallstreet Journal, or Wealth of nations...... Yes, that is the Purgatory of my Reading List.
Hey Sleevie, Drop me an E-mail... Thought I had your email... and I don't themopinator et
Light Sweet Crude 125.15
Brent 123.75
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Ok, I do watch Deadliest catch and alaska experiment on TV.... Bear Grills still has his moments... but he is primarily full of shit.
That is all....
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
9pm exhaustion come crashing in.....

What is this 3 posts today?
I sometimes hate this stuff.
I talked to the people who MFG and who sold them to me... they were like "Ya.... You need a replacement."
"Really? I didn't realize that I needed to replace a broken spoke. Thanks for the help. Where do I get one?"
"oh... you are going to have to find a substitution, probably."
Something I love about Blogs, is it gives us an opportunity to share Stupid little idiosyncratic things about our lives. And for the most part Get some Validation that we aren't "Total" freaks. and that though we are all different, we aren't all that different, we all suffer in our own little ways.
And... It's really Beautiful... and amazing that this silly technology sort of morphs into such an amazing thing... Which is more a tribute to humanity, than it is to the technology...
Friday, May 09, 2008
........................and more...........
The Great Turbo, getting ready to defend his Crit Title(not to mention his wife who had her second head removed from her shoulder, and was brave enough to blog about it(I loved every moment)), and
Sleevie in for surgery,
J-Rad living the Montana life,
Dupree(Sandy)-off to be a doctor, ....
Julie, separating herself from the public blog life,
Burke is Having an unbelievable year,
Art on a rant about Mark to myth accounting
(I'm on more rants about the secret 10% inflation rate we eternally suffer)... Don't let them lie to you, the real problem isn't Ethanol or market speculation. It's that, after the great depression, we came up with this very bad idea called "Central Banking" and give these idiots an ability to give money away for free... and that devaluing our money was a good idea..... Good news in 5 years we will all be making over 70 grand.... Bad news, homes will cost 1-2 million dollars, and gas will go to $10 a gallon..... Just so we don't have any deflation... No worries because only those who can do math will realize that your only making twice as much and paying 4Times as much for everything.... and Wage inflation will be last, so... no worries we will all just be broke till then.
Have some kids...
(can anyone tell I've been drinking)
But I digress... One of the problems with blogging regularly, Is I have to feel amusing... I may be amusing, but I don't feel amusing most the time...
I wish I knew what Gary was doing....
.... Oh... What Have I been up to..... I've been trying to get rich in the stock market.... but how, I hear the market is so bad? Well it's much easier when you're A-moral about how you invest.
Oh, my bike is broken... can't find a proper replacement spoke, so it looks like I may be buying some new wheels...
.... Oh... 2 new Ex-Girlfriends, with limited prospects besides stalking Julie...... One new Ex- because... Well because I get up at 2am, and am exhausted at 8pm.... the other because...well I'm a bit of an asshole.... I couldn't believe she didn't know that.
..... But... Till then it's Friday and I'll be drinking myself to sleep.... Yep, my life is that charming