Friday, November 23, 2007
so, I decide to do some blog reading... Wholly shit there are a ton of Utah bike blogs....
you go away for a year, and WTF happens, Blogs come out of the woodwork....
Like a fish out of water out there.... But... You know, you can't go home again.
Friday, November 02, 2007
This was funny, I figured I'd share....
(If It was good enough for your parents, and your original campaign(s) for senate it's good enough for me(I also have a thesis that people that insist on nicknames are lunatics(I'm sure you’re the exclusion and not the rule( Why not "Conan", or "third leg" if you get to pick.))).
Dear, soon to be Former Mayor Anderson, or should I refer to you as the Artist formerly known as "The Political activist, Mayor Anderson".
As you end your term in office, I wanted to thank you for all of your service to the City. I also want to note, your continued ability prioritize your time in such productive ways, and thank you for being my surrogate father.
As the Mayor of the city, I'm very happy to see you take time away from the important tasks of making this city run more effectively on it's limited tax base, and provide important services for the common welfare of it's citizenry. I'm a life long democrat, activist, common "Dubja" dissenter and to see you take up the important task of fighting those horrible "bottles of water", makes me proud to be associated with you.
I'm a long time water connoisseur, and avid reader of health and science texts, and wanted to point out the numerous studies that have shown the danger of fluoridation in water and its ties to thyroid problems. Which could be one of the numerous causes, in addition to their fast food, video game lifestyle, of the epidemic of plump little kids we seem to be seeing. Sure, I'd rather get some purified water from the tap, than be served with a Glistening plastic bottle, at my table, but what I would really like is if only we could find some people in our local government to help us with some of the other fights, things like raising awareness and ridding the fluoridation from our water. Do you happen to know such people in our local political system? who could attempt to affect such change? Maybe you could call them, when you're not busy with press conferences about bottled water.
Maybe you also have noted the toxicity in the ground water, on the west side of the Valley, that an infamous copper mine, keeps swearing they have "Taken Care of", that for many years has leaked into the taps of the residence there, maybe this can be the next "Cause Du-Jour" you could pick up the baton for, or doesn’t that come onto your radar as an activist, in your fight against tragic "Bottles" at high end restaurants in both Salt Lake and Park City. I can certainly understand that it is a much lower priority problem.
I'm with you sir, if only someone in local politics had the time and could do something about these things, but there is so little time, and where does it all go?
Let me just reiterate my appreciation for your ability to prioritize those fleeting minutes of time, you have remaining in office, to affect some real change, continuing to use them effectively in dealing with the truly important tasks that challenge this community in our daily lives and for being a shining example of good governance. I continue to thank you for spending a few of the precious moments of my life, listening one of your infamous rants about, whatever your rant du-jour is. When will people learn to not load our land-fills with those bottles? I just can't see how people sleep at night. "Garbage, in the landfill...... what is wrong with people!?".
That is it! I'm calling for a boycott of all the "High End" restaurants. But where will people eat? Heaven forbid that someone cook a meal, and generate all that other garbage, that surrounds all that food from the grocery store. As my surrogate father, I need some kind of answer about what to do. As I hide under the covers of my bed, waiting for some answer to these hideous problems. Shaking and shivering, too afraid to sleep, as the empy bottles line up in my nightmares, and attack me with their, lip cutting, broken plastic ways. As my only sustenance is tap water, into my handmade ceramic cup, purchased from politically correct starving(for a good latte) Park City Arts Festival artists(oh, and maybe a little lemon). Maybe I can go outside and chew on some dirt, Heaven forbid I open a package of seeds and grow a garden. But Alas, I'll be too weak.... and with my remaining breath, I'll lay there, gasping "Daddy....Rocky... Rosebud...*choke*".
But I digress.
On a personal note, as you fade from the public view, and as I am person, who has taken satisfaction from your numerous failures, preferably in the primaries, in all your aspirations to a higher office. I would like to encourage you, to add your name to the long list of rambling personalities on the radio and/or as a frequent "Talking Head" on local television programs, as opposed to wasting your "special talents", seeking higher office. Further, if you could switch to some other... Green party or other Wing-nut organization, I would appreciate it....or have you ever considered being a Libertarian? or Federalist?.... they have some great ideas.
May I even hazard the suggestion that you're wasting your impressive skills here in Utah, fighting for the common rights of Gastronomy Democrat customer, and that those abilities be taken to maybe California, or Seattle, Massachusetts maybe, here you are just to far ahead of the curve on these issues, for us slow witted hick democrats, worried about petty things like, collapsing housing markets, employment, feeding our families, staying healthy and paying insurance and medical bills.
Maybe you could get into an argument with Ann Coulter next, wouldn't that be fun? But would you degrade yourself to that level? I think you could manage, as long as it advanced your celebrity. Have you sent her a letter with your thoughts on the issue? But I doubt she is well versed in the whole "Bottled water, Land-fill dynamic".. she is a quick study, I think she can catch up. You really are the JFK democrat our party needs.
I'm thinking about having some T-shirts printed, "FREE THE YUPPIE WATER, FROM THE IMPERIALIST SHACKELS OF IT'S BOTTLE."(To Long?) Maybe we can go to liberty park, get high and pray to Gaia that some solution is found, to the number one priority of Local Government... Bottled Water. Have you suggested to the party that they initiate the new slogan "Democrat, we are all about the bottled water.". You have missed your calling, some of the national political campaigns could really use your help, Call Obamma, Call Clinton, This needs to be the lynch pin of their platforms. Do you think we can get a National petition going?... Constitutional amendment?
Thank you once again,
Fluoride in my toothpaste,
My politicians understanding priorities;
Keep the potholes filled,
And provide for the common welfare.
%$%^^- Fortunately of West Jordan.
P.S. I hope you understand irony. Let me further suggests that your remaining time in office may probably be better spent, picking up the trash from around the city and county building,(maybe you could have that trash recycle it into ceramic cups), Maybe a dust mop, or broom? but I would hate for you to actually accomplish something.
P.P.S Get over it, it's a bottle in a landfill, Al Gore you're not. You may not win a Peace prize, But you may be eligible for a Darwin Award.... and Publishers Clearing house is totally open.
P.P.P.S As a high level party democrat, do you know if it's possible to have someone banned from the party? I guess I'll have to make some phone calls.
Follow up:
So, The trib sent me a reply: "Sorry, we don't publish third party letters.". Admittedly, I didn't expect/anticipate them to publish it..... Couple Reasons:
- The Salt Lake Tribune, is filled with Coward, paper-pushers... Who honestly avoid anything Journalistic, and just republish The Associated Press.(someone remind me why print is dead.)... Why do you think there is a huge emergence of faux-news.
- Who do you thing the Latte Drinking-Ceramic Cup having-Gastronomy Democrats are??? SLTrib staff.
- Third Party letter- As an Open Letter, it's not actually "To" Ros/Rocky... What it is is an Open Public Challenge.... and what is a News Paper for Besides that. But Like I've covered, The Tribune is a bunch of Ham-Handed, Latte Drinking Pussies, who wouldn't understand journalisum or thier place in serving the public good. If it hit them in the face like a Brick. The Open Letter is an Opinion/letter to the editor to "The Public", and Ross, as a memeber of the "Public" is not a Third Party, he is Part of the Second Party. But Like I said, Ham Handed, Latte Drinking, Gastronomy Democrat, Morons. Even Stupider, is that if a letter to the editor wasn't an "Open" letter... They couldn't publish it, The legal standard of ownership
Just to let Y'all know, there will be a resurgence over the next 20 years of the Industrial-Union-Blue Collar Democrat. I'm sure you ask? I didn't even know they existed?... Yes, and post JFK they are/were the backbone of the democratic party... all the way till the 1980's.. When they faded away, Democrats started losing, but To put it into today's nomenclature- The NASCAR Dads are going to be pissed they don't have good jobs and are losing their homes, under the republicans and will come back.
I also believe, they didn't believe that I'm a liberal/democrat and this was a conservative Ploy, since a lot of these charges were leveled against Ross, by that Asshole-Moron Sean Hannity... More Conservatives ruining my legitimate Criticism, Because of their Polarizing Bullshit... Thanks again Asshole.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Wow!!! Escelation
From Wiki:
In the United States, a person who learns of the crime and gives some form of assistance before the crime is committed is known as an "accessory before the fact". A person who learns of the crime after it is committed and helps the criminal to conceal it, or aids the criminal in escaping, or simply fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact". A person who does both is sometimes referred to as an "accessory before and after the fact", but this usage is less common.
Please do not message me with information on this, If you have info you have a civic duty here. All it does is places me in even more awkward positions. At this point, beyond assisting the police however I can, I don't want to get further involved.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
For the Most part, I'm an optimist. I like to see the best in people. Yes, I know that in reality, most of us are pond drinking, bottom sucking Scum. This doesn't mean that I don't hope the best for us. Instead of a world of Zero-Sum games, and Cut throat politics. Millions of people looking for happiness at the bottom of a Shot Glass, a Syringe, the Boob Tube, or in the virtual world of a video game.
I like to hope and think we can be better. A world where a broader morality exists. You see, it's only those with limited intellectual capacity that exist in such Dark and Gloomy worlds. They don't understand how "cutting off someone else's legs, doesn't make you any taller". These are the soda stealers, the selfish assholes in this world that not only aren't helping themselves, but hurting everyone else. People who I would be embarrassed to call my friends. People who never learn to "Catch a Fish", because they are to busy trying to steal one.
So, Mr. Stalker, Fear Monger, Angry emotionally stunted boy. I'm lucky because I can smell that kind of maladjusted, 12-14 year old mentality miles away. Hell I'm embarrassed when I act like I'm 24 years of age. I just can't imagine the Hell your stuck in. You can think that because you haven't been caught your getting away with something. You don't realize that your not, regardless of if your actually convicted of something, People stay away from you. Get help, the road your on only leads to Jail or an institution. it's the first step toward your recovery to get some real help.
Do it while you still have a chance.
Your Jokes aren't "a little off", and regardless of your promises to yourself, or others, it's just a matter of time before it's "a little off" again. There have to be some lucid moments that you realize something is seriously wrong with you, when your acting like Mission Impossible in someone Else's house.
Well, it's official. I'm embarrassed to have ever known you, or of you. I imagine there may be, or may have been a decent part of you. It's too bad that this fucked up side of you, upstages any good parts of who you are.
Flahut brings up a good point about my responsibility to keep you all away from someone who is showing significant Unbalanced and dangerous behavior. I weigh that against not creating a "Witch hunt". This is what I've come up with. I can only prove and be witness to a certain amount of his Criminal behavior. I think that most of you know who I'm talking about, and I hope to god, that word has gotten to you about who this is before you unwittingly expose yourself or your family to this person. Let your good sense be your guide.... There are just some people that you don't want near your home. Regardless that it's obvious to me, and should be to a lot of you. With the exception of that self delusion afforded with Denial, you should clue into who this is. Hopefully you have the good sense to keep him well beyond arms length. You can't be faulted for cautious behavior.
All of this is a good warning to me, and a reassurance of the Prudence of my anonymity. Also, Let me warn each of you that just because someone seems nice, doesn't mean that they won't end up idling in a car outside your home, waiting till you come home or till you leave. In this age of Media distractions, and Flights American Idol distractions, there are some people who develop some very fucked up ideas about how to behave, as latch key kids learn how to behave, not from their parents but from episodes of "The soprano's" and Tarantino movies.
I also don't envy the choices those of you who are actually involved, he needs help. Hopefully his friends are "Stepping up" to do what they can to get him help before it's to late..... Of course I pity you if someone you consider a "Friend" isn't worth that extra effort.
I guess some of you may find it "Gay" to show compassion to your friend... I pity that self imposed hell you find yourself in.
"oh, I'll just break into Julie's home." you thought......
It makes me nauseous just to think that you felt that was going to be "Ok" or Funny...........
We can be better.
One love.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
.... Continued number 3
Stalker Dude episode 3.
It's Skit night here on the blog........
Mr., "Honey, we should invite (Criminal Stalker) over for the BBQ."
Mrs., "hmmm, I'm not sure."
Mr., "Honey, we have been friends for a long time. and I'd like him to Meet, Your Friend Susan."
Mrs., "*sigh* Well, Unfortunately she found out that he actually Stalked, and Broke into Julies Home!!!!, Breaking and entering... Umn.... Susan is actually mad at me, for even trying to set her up with him. In Fact, she won't even come over if he is here. You have to admit it's extremely Creepy."
Mr., " Well She doesn't' have to come then!!!!"
Mrs., "Actually I've been thinking, I'm not comfortable with the kids being around him. Not only is he a poor roll model, I actually am kind of nervous having the kids in the same room with him."
Mr. "He isn't that bad."
Mrs., "Sweetheart, he broke into her home, violated her home, I can't believe that you don't realize how serious it was."
Mr. "It was just one of his "Jokes" gone Bad."
Mrs., "Well, I'm not interested in some "joke gone bad", being played on me, or any of my girlfriends, And Certainly not our KIDS. Listen up, He will not be allowed to be in our Home."
I'm not kidding here. He needs help. Think about the fact that your "Buddy" is sneaking around in the dark outside her home. This is someone you call a Friend.
Hey, I"m sorry dude. But I talked to you before about this. You said you were going to knock it off. And now this is out of hand. YOU NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP!!! Sneaking around someones house is CRIMINAL, the other things you have done are criminal. Get help!!!!!!!!!! Please Please Please!!!! There are moments, I'm sure when you realize that it was a mistake..... But you didn't spill some milk on the carpet, Your breaking into her house.........
You're not well....
Get Help Please!!!!!
This is going to get worse, unless you take that step!!!!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Do we need lesson number 2?
It's hard for me to fault this person, cause he is ill. But if you know anything or can get involved, You have to do it. Do it because you care about your friend. You also can call that mental health line if you want some advice about how to proceed. If this was someone close to me, I'd feel awful if I didn't do everything I could before this gets even more Serious.
I'm sorry dude, But your threatening a woman. This is out of control.
These are the things, in this society, that get me down, Some guy out there thinks this stuff is "funny" or "amusing" or "A Joke", and it's a Rationalization to terrorize a woman. I'll bet money that there is some friend of his, who knows about it, and is ok with it. Or dismisses it as just some of his "Eccentric" behavior. This is escalating Kids!!
If you don't know what to do, or are confused:
(801) 261-1442
They can help you, or help you to intervene before this gets even more out of hand.
Say, "Hi My buddy keeps tormenting this woman, and I'm afraid it's turning dangerous. What do I do"
"I'm really having some troubles, and I need to find a mental health professional to help me."
Get Help!!!
Get Him Help!!!
This has become Criminal and dangerous!!!
I'm doing everything I can? Are You?
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I'm trying to keep myself calm.....
Let me be very Clear with you, You committed a Felony/Crime. This is Threatening Behavior. Regardless of the "joke" or "Humor" or how every you/he is rationalizing it. I'm pleading with you that THIS IS OUT OF HAND. I suspect some of the rest of you also know or suspect who this is. This is what concerns me. Not only is it a Crime, but it also shows a level of Danger in his/your behavior toward Julie.
"You are a Danger to those around you, and probably to yourself.". Without tipping my hand about my suspicion. I'm serious, you need to get help. Valley Mental health is a good place. You can go in and get some help. This is what they are there for. This isn't a big deal, Yet! You can get help, I swear you will be the better for it. Your relationships will improve, your ability to function. Your entire life will improve. Just get some help. You just need to go down there and ask.
Some stuff I agree can just be in "good fun" or amusing. This stuff keeps crossing the line. I know it sucks to be messed up. This is overboard!!!!!! It's not Healthy.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
People's most.....
What???? You think I'm confused somehow? No, really? she played E.T. didn't she?
ok, all fun aside... I'd totaly do her...... Especialy if she brought her special friend....
See...... I'm just having some fun......
Maybe this helps me sleep.
Oh, and if your "Pro" status comes up in the same phrase as the subject and or adjective "dude". Guess what not only are you not Pro, you're a CheezDick.
Yep, more of my positive mental outlook.......
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Superman Beware: Scientists Uncover Kryptonite
The new mineral does not contain fluorine and is white rather than green, but in all other respects the chemistry matches that for the rock containing kryptonite. We will have to be careful with it – we wouldn’t want to deprive Earth of its most famous superhero!’
Yep, even chemists and miners have a sence of humor.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Midnight Turkey Sandwich
Great to see Louder make that 30 minute break.
Mr. Booth, became caught up in what I like to call "You get to Freely speak on your own blog, not mine."... Point being I had total empathy for that entire episode, especially when he decided to delete The Posts.
Art has been filled with a hate that almost rivals my own, over the past weeks. I was almost tempted to bring over a few "Songbirds" over for his Earth day BBQ. Funny this whole earth day, every time I see some crap about the world coming to an end.....(Oh, and BTW cutting carbon by 2080 or what ever it was. Is a joke... Assuming we have enough coal and oil to last till 2080, we will be dead by 2030.) Fortunately we will either run out or we will have "Pearl Harbor for the Carbon cycle.".... Point Being, Fuck this planet... Wait I was trying to be positive, so in that vein. I'll leave the environmental concerns to those who care, from what I see. The fucked up environment will kill all the right people.
I've been bad about watching Cycling Results this spring. So, I was thrilled to hear the announcers mention Burke's name during the TourDeGeorga. It's funny when your looking at results and you can tell that he is working so very hard for his team. In a way it humbles me, to think about what a selfish asshat I've been for the last while. I'm trying to be better. But this is my thing right now. But it's always good to see out there.
Oh, and Gary seems to be investing a ton of effort into his cycling, which is great. and I wish I was paying more attention to.
And my Ex has gone MIA... I'm a little worried. . . . . . . .
Well.... See if I can make it to bed.
One Love everyone........
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Melt Down on wallstreet
I Know.....
I Know .....
It will be tough....
I know we will get through this tragedy......
Let me just repeat, The blackberries are down........
I think we need a congressional investigation.....
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
This is good
I had this great post planned it was called.
I may require indoor helmet too. AKA the pleasures of creatine AKA The number of ceiling tiles in my kitchen. AKA I need to eat more.
So then I see another post which is roughly the same thing.... Hate to think I'm copying.
Point being, I started loading creatine a few days ago, and The last few days I forgot to track what I eat. Ended up running the tank dry as I stared in the cupboard figuring out what to make for dinner....
Never happened to me ever, Strange to be a strong fit dude, and find yourself unable to stay vertical for longer than about 30 seconds. I also think I gave myself a good thump the first time it happened, which I think exacerbated it. Nice to be laying on the floor figuring out where the nearest simple carbo is. Fortunately I realized I had tons of simple carbo's everywhere.
funny thing is another blog I read had a very similar post.....
The other good thing is that this means my BMI has gone up significantly... Which I'm very psyched about... I guess I'm just not going to get along with eating 800-1200 calories a day.
happens again, I'm going to see the doc, but my head still hurts.
So...... On Workout.... I swear, I'm trying to quit... But Zen Gray is kind of hot,
2 people at dinner having a Cat fight, this is what the mop would do, "Alright, that is it, I will have a nice quiet dinner, You two will shut up and act like your at least 14 years old, and behave at the table. I don't care what poor manners your parents tolerated, but you will not ruin my dinner.
So, here is a stinker, in some kind of Crazy Hypoglycemic rant, the Head workout woman, says this to one of her clients "You will lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks" Someone should try to do that and then injure themselves then file a lawsuit against Bravo. Even one of her trainers almost freaked out...
Ok, if I start talking about the "Hair Cut" show... I need someone to come over and Kill me!!!! Please!!!!
Mop!!! Step away from the T.V.!!!!!!!!!
Barry Gib burned down Johnny Cash's home!!!!!!!!
You evil Bastard.
Isn't this one of the signs of the Apocalypse
Monday, April 16, 2007
Larry Kudlow.... Freeloading Asshat
"Why should the people who make over 100k pay 90% of the Taxes???...."
"Why did I get hit with the AMT(alternative minimum tax) which is 20%."
Ok, Cry me a fucking River for the fact that the dude making 300K a year Plus his investments ends up paying 60K in taxes....... Bo Ho you fucking baby!!!!!!
Let's hit that first question, if 90% of the wealth in this country is in the hands of the top 1%. then the remaining 10%, 90% of that is controlled by the next 9%.... That is 99% of the wealth is in the hands of the top 10%....
If you make 12K a year working for walmart or wherever you pay half the tax rate of someone making 500K. So, one guy is eating Beans and Rice, barely getting by.
It's not brain surgery to realize that if 99% of the wealth is held by 10% they should pay 99% of the Taxes.
I gladly pay my taxes, it's crazy and maddening, but it irritates me that this very wealthy man pays less % than I do, and has the Nut sack to be on TV Crying about it. anyone who makes over 30K is paying more than Larry....... How about a Fuck you from everyone who your Freeloading off Larry....
Fuck you Larry, I guess that bottom 90% of our country does have WalMart and no Insurance. This kind of bullshit starts making me think about the French revolution.
virginia tech
they are saying 20 dead
20 wounded.
not to be morbid, but it's hard to get a 50% kill ratio.
I probably just don't want to believe
Grrrrrrr I hate news people.....
this is all some bitch on CNN had/has to say....
"Some people are comparing this to, Many things, But some say.... Columbine."
Ya, lady it is a school and there is a shooting...... Very similar.... Some may say......
Fucking Talking heads.... why don't they compair it to the Texas clock tower shooting.... or does it just jerk more Tears to say....... "Columbine"
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The Results are in, I made half as much as last year, and I get to pay twice as much. We have a brilliant tax system.
Oh, once I pay my tax bill and my April bills, I will have $30 in my bank account. I need to get this project done so I can bill for it. Then I will be able to pay off my credit cards and next months bills. Then I need to find a new project or I won't be able to pay June's bills, course I can go into the credit cards..... Fuck, no wonder I'm so irritable.
Work work work work work work work........ I should just start now....
Course I could cash out some stock...... See, but that is the opposite of what I'm trying to do.
Oh, just one second I do have $30 in credit limit left. Grrrrrrr......
Wish I could afford a beer.
You had me with the Zebra.....
which is great.... guy kicks out for 7 days of survival with 60 pounds of camera equipment.... It's like they said. "Hey do this." and he said, "ah.... That's easy, how if we add 60 pounds of camera equipment. Which he constantly uses to get some great pictures and makes it very difficult on himself.... My kind of self-destructive behavior......
So, then there is Man Vs. Wild
The difference is this, Bear(man Vs. Wild). is an ex Special services, but not the U.S. but some pussy Australian version. But he doest the things that Les(survivor man) won't do. See, les doesn't seem to like eating bugs and the nasty stuff. Bear, just knows if he can get a bit to eat here and there it will boost his energy, the he will use it to do crazy stuff like run down the mountain, or show you how to survive a Crevasse fall, or a dive into an Icy cold Lake. Also Bear has to make it out..... Question I have is how do you explain to someone that he needs to rescue you and your camera-man out of the sierra Nevada mountains... Seems a little awkward.... I also wonder how the camera guy is rigged up, does he have a full pack with a tent and all the shit... and bear just camps outside. Camera guy making up smores on his fire while Bear Starves. Like I said though, I've seen bear catch a fish with his hand, Les on the other hand is always tired from packing 60 pounds of cameras. Bear always has flint and a Great Knife, and water bottle.
I was on the fence about this and was even trending toward Les, Bear seems staged with some interesting camera work. But Bear won me over when he fought off some vultures to cut a steak out of the neck of a Zebra, and ate it raw.... Then walked off into the pride of lions that originally took the Zebra down in the first place, saying "how cool was that"!
Point being, You have to see Man Vs Wild...
That's the kind of Scout leader we all should have.
Snowline Coffee.....
Hmmm Blanch or Broads fork...... hmmmm
Looks like Broads fork.
Blurry, I'm hiking. I did this all with the cell camera. so, Y'all are getting cheated. With as much weight as I packed up, silly I didn't bring the camera too.
There is the foot bridge, I remember the first time I hit this years ago, and it took 2 quarts of water just to get here. In case you don't know this is a fairly steep hike.
Very cool ice on the logs in the river
Bound to get Epic, Ok epic minus.
De brie field..... I was hoping to not come across whatever set it off. Maybe it just happened.
Camp Coffee!!!!!!
My Cool Esbit Stove.
Sweet, about 3 pounds and I had a nice late lunch of Penne Pasta, with Vegie Sausage. Which I let heat up with the water in the coffee pot. I picked up the coffee pot and the dude at the store said...."You know that's not a percolator."
Me, "Ya, it doesn't even look like one."
Him, "ya that's one of those coffee boilers."
Me, "dude, I know all about sheepherder coffee. But thanks for asking"
So, it took about 2 minutes from trail to setup with the fire lit. 5 or so minutes later I had a warm meal and a Kick ass cup of coffee.(admittedly the coffee, relative to good coffee, kind of sucked.... But Time and place helps allot.)
Those little comforts.... Remind me that it really is the little things.
I could use a reflector...
It is not very passable to the lake up there. I tried my hardest but it was a wash.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Running Again.....
After a good stretch, and a short moment wondering what I was about to do to myself, reflecting on the line in my May bank statement where the dinner bill from the night I wounded my knee, sat taunting me, I set off. A good pace, my lungs are good, heart beating strong, I think about the fact I need to work on a smoother motion. I ease up and walk a bit, no reason to hurt myself. I continue to be taunted by the run that put me out of commission for the better part of 5 months. Realizing that what I needed to do was get my mind out of the running game, and into that good focused state of being.
I reminded myself that I needed to just think my way through it, visualize moving down the road for half a mile or more, without stopping. Keep my mind distracted from the aches and pains of ever step. Get my body to just relax........ Well, that lasted a quarter mile.
It's always good to recognise what your doing wrong. If I'm going to do this I'm going to have to run once if not twice a week, I also have got to work on a longer stride, I have a ridiculous short stride that I'm sure is from cycling for so long... One of these days I need to work on it.
I've never mentioned this, but one of my favorite sports is to go to the grocery store in my shorts and running shirt and see who stalks me and violates my 3 foot personal space... It's fun.
I think I need to eat more red meat.
Ok, I'm going to try and stop posting so much crap, and bile.
Damn I'm cranky
What a fucking Year, Last year......
I ran across a purchase for cheez at an albertsons in Provo during the Tour of utah.
Yesterday I call this woman to go hiking this afternoon, she won't go. So Here I am doing taxes... what does she do.... Calls me, I'm sure she wants to change her mind.
Why The fuck can't you people make plans and Keep them........ What is wrong with you people....
Grrrrrr Fuck you people......
I'm going to end up going running as soon as I get this milage shit worked out.
I'm also in a foul mood.
What I realy want to do is procrastinate and test out my new coffee pot, up in them thar Hills.
hmmm, wonder how it will turn out.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Kurt Vonnegut dead at 84
Vonnegut died on Wednesday after suffering brain injuries following a fall weeks ago, said Donald Farber, Vonnegut's friend, lawyer, agent and manager.......
obsession Du Jour
Oil is $60 a barrel which is $1.20 per gallon
Gas is $2.something per gallon on the open market.
and your paying almost 200% markup on gas for processing and shipping.
So, Coffee. for roasting the bean and shipping. 4000% from the farmer. The money is in the roasting........
Well, I may get a roaster. even if you don't have a roaster, Millstone actually has some free trade coffee. Also you can get it through e-bay, or on the web
Ok, back to work.
You can find your favorite blend for roughly the same price, especialy when you talk about 5 pounds at a time. All we are talking about is forcing the coffee distributers to Kick another .50 to the farmers.
Maybe if I get 10 grand in cash together, I'll get some shipped
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Swore I was going to stay away from this.....
This shit isn't fit for print. What is he excited about....
"I Fucked Anna Nichole, and now there is evidence"
"I get the windfall of the child's estate."
Good god, I didn't care, but now I'm hoping anything that kid gets goes into a trust. And that Lawer dude has to get a job.
I was thinking that he was outside this ridiculous, circus. I was hoping that he wasn't one of these white trash "having their 15 minutes" at the expense of this child.... but, I was wrong.
Please!!! everyone deserves to lose custody
why the fuck am I blogging about this.
have you ever heard the crap on fox.....
Imus needs to accept the fact they are just using this as an excuse to fire a guy that stopped being funny years ago.
Lowering the bar-Mop Style
Blog Category: Blog — Blogged by: Art on April 11, 2007 at 11:04 am
(wanted to see if I could be funnier than art.... Cause I'm competitive like that)
No, uninteresting thing is that there was a trend in naming my older siblings, and my name completed the Set/Sequence. This is just proof that my Folks should have had kids. Unfortunately abortion wasn't legal until after I was born..... Condoms people!!!!!!!
When I read art's post.
I'm in lust with my handwriting, every time I see it it gives me an erection and I have to leave and "come" back in 15 minutes.
Fuck this question, My favorite Lunch bread is Marbled Rye.
None that I know of, or want to know about! I have enough trouble with my childish siblings and people I work with.
Hell no, Fuck that dude.
Only as a defence to my insecurities.
No, I Rent.
Bungee jumping reminds me of those dudes who mountain bike....... Oh Sorry, I meant, dudes who use a Ski Lift to Mountain bike.
Let me look, Nope. If they still sold Velcro on shoes I'd buy them.
I defiantly think, I'm tough. I suspect you would have to outweigh me by 75 pounds for me to back down.
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? I don't even think about ice cream any more. I stick to doughnuts and Pie.
There are people?.... Oh, Tit's or lack there of..... I'd say I'm being funny, but I think it's true.
Who writes these questions, Starting with the Black and white nature of things, which is bullshit. But then to escalate it to something like this. The root of this question is Saturate color or Pastel. I pick the color color. Point I'm making is that Pink is Red, Dumb ass.
Self loathing is overrated.
Hell of a question,........ Fuck them if they chose not to be in my life.
What the hell does it matter, will it mean that they don't really love me....... I figured that out.
Pants, Shoes? when you work at home these things are...... Optional.... Now let's talk about my underwear.
Recycled Crayons, because there defiantly a limited amount of Wax out there, we just have to conserve. and that shit takes days to biodegrade in the landfill.
Burning Hair.
This isn't as interesting as the conversation.
Me, "you want to go see a baseball game?"
Them, "I'm sorry, I'm busy."
Me, "Ok, catch you later."
Them, "Maybe some other time."
Me *just another person who wants me to reschedule so they can shine me later*
Me, "sure, maybe"
Art would never respect me, if I said I liked his curmudgeon-ie(is that a word).
What, are we dating?
did somone run out of decent questions.... I can't wait till we get to height.
Amazing incite, people with contatcts are assholes.
Tragic endings, I like for the dude to suffer Tragic, Blood Sweat and Tears, Bone Griding Suffering. Then He gets the girl in the end, then she gets hit by a Bus. Which reminds me of most my relationships that end with me wishing they would get hit by a bus.
32. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED?Batman returns. but only the first 45 minutes, the rest sucked.
are we getting into clothing again?
What are you High!!!! It's fucking cold in the winter, and there is that fucking Christmas, and new years, and thanksgiving, and Ice, and face masks, and Jesus... Fuck you for even making me think about it.
I think we can universally agree......... Handjobs!!!
Dr. Pistachio
people who don't read the blog
CCSP cisco secure PIX firewall---- It's a nail bitter, how will it end????
Mostly sweat and grease from my manage hands
It's all just Noise Really!!!!1
Alright, the Beatles are by far better than the Stones. And the tragedy is that Ringo will probably out live them all. But to be honest, I don't give a shit. I still have an open offer to anyone who can explain the popularity of "The Who"
That is some full on math, So, if your moving somewhere then that doesn't count. You have to be visiting somewhere, and still live elsewhere..... How the hell is this relevant to anything about me. Fuck you..... "the rolling Stones"
45. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? The things My Bowels are capable of are "Super Exciting"
I'd like this poll to end with a *plonk*
One love!!!!
K, this is pissing me off today.... Have to blog about it
So, The New one!!!!!! The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't..... Wholly Shit, Let me get this out of the way, I'm an asshole at work. Let me further qualify, I have a huge work ethic. I started working at 14 sweeping floors, and cutting vegetables in a deli. I then worked in a print shop from 16-19, then as a finish carpenter till 26. In that period of time, the number one thing I learned is "Keep your hands busy/when your at work. it's time to work." It is rare to find someone who is more focused and who doesn't dink around when trying to get a job done. I work all the time, 6am or earlier till 6pm then maybe 2-4 hours at night.(less bike time).
A friend of mine was complaining about how they were discouraging him from surfing the Internet at work. I said, "if I was your boss, I'd give you one warning, then fire your ass. If it were my company, the rule would be "no Internet surfing, we are monitoring your surfing, and if it's not directly work related, you will be fired."
When I see people dicking around at work, it absolutely offends me. Once I was working at a company and they did an efficiency study, and I ended up on top. But when they showed me and congratulated me, I looked at the rest of the statistics and literally 5-10% of the office were doing 70-80% of the work.
On the other hand, there defiantly is Team moral, but my point is that Lazy people kill moral, twice as much as someone being insensitive. If I work with someone and they keep their hands busy, and when they don't have something to do, they ask. When they need help, they ask. You will never see me speak an unkind word to them.
I guarantee that the ones who, sit at their desk and try and look busy while jerking off. or who want to take naps at work. or who complain about how so-and-so, is a jerk. These are the ones that aren't productive. Show up ready to work, and make it happen.
I am still looking for that job, where I get to Nap, and I don't have to do any work. Seriously if left to their own devices, employees would just suck every nickle of of the company, and then wonder why the company and their jobs went "Tits Up".
Nut Up Fuckers!!! You have to work. This bullshit about napping and no Assholes is just a good excuse to be Lazy!!!!!!
See the pile of work in his hands, I'm the one who ends up doing it, while he sleeps. And that's why I'm an asshole to him. Fat, Lazy, Fuckwhit!!! Staying up too late watching American Idol.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Insomnia persists
Hmmmm, I was group riding this weekend and as people fell off the back.. Well, I wasn't the one pushing, I don't see any reason to have people fall off the back in a friendly group ride. Since the reason I would group ride is to make and have some friends. not to spend 70+ miles regretting that you came out as you end up grinding through the wind alone.... I can do that at home.
As people are coming off, I always see it like the heard of Gazelle and the pride of lions in pursuit, the weak ones falling off the back. I shed a small tear, never to see them again.
Maybe I'm not drinking enough.
Monday, April 09, 2007
you may think gas prices are high now
H1B visa
Then the big "Tech Boom" went bust, and only the strong were left. There were tons of Really great I.T. Pro's that suffered, Tons of people took big pay cuts. Finally about 3 years ago the industry started to recover, but this is what the companies did. They hired contract workers. There are alot of ways to do this, alot of them are illegal. There are a quite a few times where I get a call and someone wants me to work 8-5 as a 1099, and I threaten to call the IRS. (let me point out that calling the IRS on a potential employer, won't get you the job). To be honest, the way I look at it, you don't want to work for companies that are either ignorant or turn a blind eye to employment law. Call me goofy.
The median starting wage for a tech worker is 50k, right now. Also there are tons of actual contractors that make Tons of money, but only work as needed. If you didn't know about 80% of the people who try and pass themselves as "Microsoft" employees are Microsoft "partners" who are contractors who work for Microsoft. Your average decent Tech worker makes 70-90K that is SQL managers, good Network managers and engineers. The problem is that that is the rate that the Managers make, the MBA's and the small time V.P.'s make. and they resent it. So, what the companies want to do is bring in Indian I.T. workers...BTW it's not Asian ones, because they won't do this. But the Indian I.T. workers will work for 30-40K which is big money to them, coming from economies that people make less than 10k a year.
The only other option that these companies have is to increase the pay and try and lure some of the old I.T. workers back from the Tech boom. This all means that they need to pay people another 10-20K a year. This is what the H1B visa's are all about. If it wasn't, you would see companies trying to recruit just about anyone who could type on a keyboard to work "High Tech"
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Ugh, Potato victory.....
Then I go, "well I was thinking, just a nice, aerobic ride around the valley. 5,6,7 hours as long as we can stand."
And you go, well.... "why don't we just go do this ride, with a bunch of rec riders..."
"Alright, sounds cool. "
Flash forward, 2 hours before the ride.
"um, dude, it may rain."
"Nope, that system at 10am will miss that ride. it may rain in ogden and provo till noon, but the radar says it has missed us."
"that's not what weather underground says."
"Weather underground is for fools. The national weather service and their current radar and satellite images."
(so, I didn't have this conversation. my buddy left a message on my voice mail.
But seriously)
I tried to call back and then reschedule a nice calm ride, maybe a little later or whatever. But nope, to chicken to pick up the phone (I can be an overbearing Prick). But seriously, if you make plans with me, Follow through!!!!! especially if I reschedule what I'm doing to fit you in. Otherwise your going to get this message, "I'll be leaving from here, at 9am. Join or not"
So, there I am, riding with Rec. Riders. I'm ok with this, but I don't really know anyone. And this is how most of these rides go......
Some Dude, "Man, i'm wicked strong." Then they sprint until they are bonked or dehydrated. I ended up Holding a groups wheel, then forming a more elite group which then managed to Reel in the rest of the riders for the rest of the ride.
It's one thing to ride strong for an hour, it's another to do it for 4. Certainly some things vary based on environment, after 30 miles you should have emptied your bottles and have eaten a significant amount of food.
By the way, the potato's Rocked!!! um, lightly foiled and pieces no larger than 3" on any side.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Taters, and fruit punch
- First, do you boil them then cut them into handy bitesize pieces.
- Second, how do you know when they are cooked, are you skrewed if you over cook them.
- Third, How the hell do you wrap them in foil. maybe two pieces, one on each side or wrap them. and how much wrapping will be unmanageable on the bike.
Yep that will be me, the guy with 3 pounds of potato's in his pockets.
This "Health" thing, a person should drink 2 quarts of water per day. Sure I can dial in the water intake when I'm on the bike. But the question is "How much off the bike." I keep finding myself dehydrated so I've been setting a target of 3-4 quarts a day. Still, I ten to binge, and drink a quart at a time, which flushes right through me.... Point being, I've been mixing up cool-aid quite a bit. Yep, it's like being 6 years old.
Well, my lips are chapped, legs hurt, and I've eaten every carb in the house.......... 100 miles tomorrow. even worse is my hydration when My kidneys are trying to dump the Overdose of ibuprofen I try to kill myself with.
So, I don't realy post this stuff
Umn, Sure I went to a race that excluded the utah cycling elite, since that was HOTN. I did make a promice to do this race 6 months ago, who knew the two would conflict. Like I say though I'm a man of my word and when I say I'm doing it, I do it.
Overall I went top 10 out of my group, and it realy wasn't my race. Also, I was only 20 some odd seconds off of 2nd and I could have shaved that with a little better prep and focus. But, I've been scatterd, and best not to bitch a top 4.
Also, after last years embarasing Spring drop by a member of the superior sex. I was very happy to have put on at least 20 seconds on all the woman. Not that ..... Well, I may be an asshole, But seriously who want's to get beat by a chick.... (which could be why Julie and I havn't ridden together.(I do know however that I could out drink her(cept knowhing her she would put on some kind of Indiana Jones, Nepalies-Miriam Ravenwood Drinkfest, smackdown on me.)
In other news I've gained my own nemisis, the guy who got the UNO, Just but the smackdown on me, Like I was nothing. Big up's to him, but unfortunatly he is now my nemisis. Sorry that's just the way it works. Specialy when I gave him the cold shoulder, not realizing who he was. This is obvious a sign of new found respect for him.
Funny, there are 60 some odd people that would have loved to have had the ride I did, and I bitch. now if only my knees will still feel good tomorrow.
One love everyone. sorry no pictures.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Can you be to tired for coffee?
So, I'm just blogging for me at this point. I figure I may estrange myself from most of you. But... it gives me something to do when I need to vent, or am just ..... So, fuck it. I figure blog.
Easter, damn I want some of those cream filled eggs, or just some chocolate ones, or some m&m's. My on bike feast of bad food has kicked off a sweet tooth of epic proportions, I'm going to need to stop that a bit. I'm going to boil up some potato's for this weekend, maybe some fig newtons. My legs are killing me, it takes 4 miles for them to loosen up, I'm trying to take it easy for the next few days till the weekend racing.
Time to get some work done.....
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Silly Rabbit.
Good god, I'm going to have to shut it all off soon. Rough day.... Not bad, just Rough, I ended up doubling down today, and after 3 hours of dragging that bottom I doubled into I ended up in a 2% rally, none of it is a big deal since anything I buy, I'd own for 2 years if I chose to. But no reason to hold onto a dog for 2 years......
So far I'm infamous for buying just before the very bottom, which is good cept the hour of "Wholy shit" I just lost half a point, then like I said 3 hours of I'm breaking even. From now On, I buy then shut the TV and Internet off for the rest of the day.
Do something easier on my heart like ride a bike. The broad fucked up nature of our "U.S." economy. Wow, baby boomers have roughly 100k to retire on. ....... And...
Dubya again........ Talking about the income gap between the rich and the poor. What the Fuck with this guy Again..... What an Assfuck, Damn I guess someone should do something about that, like give the upper 10% another fucking Tax Cut.
I've seen a ton of fucking rich dudes talking about the AMT tax... Ok, for those of you who don't make over 50k the AMT applies to those who do, and if you make 70K you have to pay at least some tax...... and at 100k you have to pay 10% Minimum, and at 200k you have to pay 20% and here is the Heart breaker, at 500K you have to pay 25%.... I know I know it's absolutely tragic that there is now a minimum tax for those in these tax brackets, I'm sure this is the worst thing in the world that you can't deduct your way out of paying your fair share.... Yep Life is tough on those in these brackets.... Cry your way home. The Gaul of somone making 100k to cry about how they have to pay 10k in taxes. Just shows how the rich are fucking the poor, I'll pay 10k this year easily, and I won't make 100K.
Circuit city fired employees, because they were making to much money and they could be replaced by cheaper workers..... Why were they making more money? because they were the ones making all the sales and getting the raises from good evaluations.....
Message to employees.... If you do a good job, you will lose your job.
I'm going to chuckle about that all day.
bike coffee ...
Ok, I should stretch before Swifty shows up...
one of these days, pictures.
Obama.... WTF comes out and shows the dem. Hole card. Asshole what good is a bluff if they know it's coming.
When the hell did Dubya learn about ethanol..... and like I said, easy for him to say in lame duck of his term. For years we are going to hear about how his presidency was about conservation...."I was totally for conservation, I pushed ethonal, and alternative fuel cars in my term as president." forgetting how he invaded a country to secure oil for Haliburton and Exxon... And the bonus of Military contracts for KBR and Blackwater... Both being such blacksheeps even Halliburon is trying to distance themselves from them.
Monday, April 02, 2007
I registered for LoToJa today, guess I'm doing it. This doesn't sound very positive. It just hit me at the wrong time, the registration I'm referring to. Umn, I realized I'm doing a different event this weekend than Hell of the North, which means I can't even come out and watch. I dialed in my bike for the most part, today. She feels Rocking..... ready to roll,
Ok, time for a shower and probably bed.
Here Comes Swifty!!!
Ok, the bad news...
- Lost a skewer spring under the deck(where I work on my bike). Every time I do this (yes, I lose springs and bolts and nuts, all manner of gear seems to go under my deck, which escalates into a mad dis assembly of it, plank by plank, I always say... Damn I have to stop working on my bike here. Or put something down to stop the lose parts from falling into the cracks. But as my dopie father says "those who don't learn from the past by becoming tormented and paralyzed by the Torpor of "could'a Woul'a Should'a", Are doomed to repeat it."(hmmm, I think my dad doesn't say this. Me bet is it's a play on a sort of conundrum, catch-22, we all, or at least I live in.). This time though I think I'll just go get a new spring, instead of pulling the deck apart and digging through the dirt. So, hopefully I've learned.
- My Laptop needs a good rebuild... Bla...Bla...Bla order some fans, do some other stuff.
- I'm so sick of the self aggrandising of the film/TV industry. I was watching "Planet Earth", I'm a huge fan of documentaries, So.....Why the Fuck do I have to put up with time talking about "How we got the Pictures." or "How we did the Effects.". You See, I don't give a shit. I want to learn some new things about the Nature of our world, "the how and why of the Lizards of Afghanistan." Not the How and why of taking pictures of the lizards of Afghanistan. You see, In my industry no one cares how I got the computers to work. They just care that they now do what they were supposed to.
- My coffee pot is fucked up. I did a thorough cleaning. I think I got some moldy beans, and they skankafied my pot. So, I did a full on cleaning, and some of the circuitry seems wet. Till it dries out, I guess I'm here suffering. and maybe I'm in the market for a new one.
I was thinking about this today, this is one of my generic philosophies:
if you flip a coin, your going to be right half the time. Using the slightest amount of brain power you should be able to be correct 60% of the time. The Crazy thing for most people is, What the fuck, how can you be wrong all the time..... I can't imagine the amount of delusion and stupidity. To be wrong 70-80% of the time... It's almost a testament to Darwin being Wrong.... how can people do it....
Don't trade Flow!!!!!!
Friday, March 30, 2007
So, worst part is that I'm so fatigued that it's hard to work. I spend most my time thinking about how the Markets will move, and how that will affect the stock prices in a 5day, 4 week, 3 month and year price range.
Dell has accounting errors, and the words misconduct are used.... Dell will dump 10 percent over the next few days... Y'all don't know me but I hate Dell, Fascinating to me is that in a billion dollar company you can re-arrange things so that you can be losing millions and still pretend your growing.
Take Two interactive, the makers of the Grand Theft Auto video game series, which I'm a huge fan of(but I don't play vid games anymore). Well some investors, showed up at the quarterly meeting and booted the Board of directors and the CEO. The board had been.... Well behaving like the characters in the game, and besides that they couldn't provide any other decent games. My concern with Take Two, is that.... Well maybe without the "Edgy" management, they won't be able to build "edgy" games. I mean, why not have a video game where you can pay a hooker to give you a Hummer, And I'm not talking about a car.
The Video Game Sector is HUGE in the stock market, That and Apple, Apple can do no wrong, and launched some Lame Apple TV thing, well Microsoft just launched a new Xbox which does the same thing as the apple Tv thing. So, buy a $600 Apple TV, or Buy an Xbox that does the same thing And Plays games. Hate to say it but apple is beat, they should team up with activision. Why I hate the Ipod, Well I like to Lose, Break, Have Stolen, Wash, Throw in a fit of rage, A $100 Item, and not a $200-$300 item. As far as investments are concerned, I get to be a bit of a contrarien, so its time to sell apple and activision. Activision still has some legs, but it's way to hot these days.
Fill your gas tanks, 8 days of increased oil prices, limited supply and this Iranian thing. Like I've said "We Are At Peak Oil" so, the only question is how long will it be hidden from the public. Seemed obvious to me last few years as supply and refining became limited *wink Wink* *nod nod* when they won't expand to produce more, they know something we don't... Like that soon we won't be able to find enough oil to refine if we expand capacity. That and they want to get every dime out of what is left. Seriously Oil went from $20 to $60 in the past few years.
Crop report is coming out today, saying how all the farmers are going to grow corn for ethanol, which means not enough corn to stuff in your McQuaterpounders, and all the other things that have corn sugar in them. Which means More expensive food. So, more expensive food, and more expensive Gas....... Beets!!!! I can't imaging that beets aren't a better option.
Oh, on a more local issue, fill your car with gas.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
It's fucking April.....
I'm on one..
I decided to go riding a little yesterday, and as I pulled the bike out I had a flat, didn't want to fix it. Turned around and stayed home..... So I didn't even try today, should have gone for a run but fuck it....
My mood sucks.... time for a long shower and some reading in bed....... Reboot and try again tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
on politics markets and world events.
Oh, and the car industry is trying to pull the average wage of auto workers(yes, there are still some auto workers) from the low $20 an hour, in half to the mid teens). For those of you who don't know. When Henry Ford created the auto industry, the middle class was born. Providing jobs for the average American that payed a wage that meant you would live comfortably for the rest of your life. A $25 an hour job means $50K a year.... a $15 an hour means $31K.
For those of you who thought Halliburton was moving to the middle east to avoid taxes or some other such nonsense... the truth was found out last week when they had to account for tremendous losses from trying to explore for oil in north America.... Let me just translate, It's to expensive to explore for oil in north America... Cause there ain't any more. But Exxon says we arn't at "peak oil".
Y'all know what a POS dove fucking liberal I am. Here is where it gets sticky. We have been calling out Iran for years now, and sure enough they smartly get the British mixed up into it. And sure enough we pull out or limp dick and show it to the world. The only option here is to give them a warning then hit them hard if they don't release them. But that could start a war??? I'm thinking the Iranians arn't actually afraid. Since we couldn't get into a war without starting a Draft.......
On other things
CNBC needs more Titty
Microsoft says sales of their new Operating system Vista has been brisk.... They aren't saying profitable, since they have been virtually giving them away for the past months..... Honestly this is showing some desperation on their part, hopefully the I.T. industry will keep showing them who is boss, since the O.S. doesn't really do anything new. Hopefully this goes down the same way Millennium Edition did. After M.E. Microsoft went!!! Oh, maybe we should build a software set that works, maybe that will get people to buy....
Sunday, March 25, 2007
5.5 hours on the bike today
Then I tripled my mileage in a week, went from a little over 100+ miles in a week to 300+. and just didn't recover, took a few days off, and tried to make sure I was eating enough.
This is what I ate on my 5.5 hours today.
2 bottles water
2 bottles power aid(or some like crap)
1 cliff bar(200c)
1 package of granola bites.(90c)
2 packs Gu(200c)
(this is where it gets ugly)
1 crazy peanut butter crisp candy bar(this fucker is like 500 calories)
1 krispy cream doughnut(300c)
1 package zingers(600calories)
I've never eaten so much on the bike, and it was good...... Cept my teeth still hurt.
I'm going to start trying to eat hamburgers on base rides, I also may try and stop for potato's at Wendie's... I probably should just try and do the potato with salt thing, but it's not as fun as lining up to the trough with all the regular folk at the convenience store.
The kids and their new hair cuts make them look like "Wet Cats"
Oh, and you can't remake "Escape from New York"
Ok, Mop Get to bed.
So, 2 nights of very good sleep. Then I fell asleep at 9 woke up at 9:30 now here I am. Worst thing was I got up and started paying bills, I'm not actually leveraged right now, but I'm completely Up to my Neck in Money tied up everywhere, I could cash some money out but, I'd rather not do that. I have about 4 checks coming in the next few weeks, but I'm going to have to shift money from here to there to get all the bills payed this month. I'm going to have to watch things closer from now on and give myself a little better cushion. another problem this month was I went out to dinner a few more times than I had intended, and I also never noticed how many people don't like to pay their share of the bill. So, you drink $8 glasses of wine(cause your stupid like that) and you drink twice as many drinks as I do, and relative to my $4 beers.... Oh, that's how I end up with a $35 dollar dinner... On my birthday.... Oh, so you didn't bring your purse. You want a $4 MoLatte and a piece of cake $3. All I wanted was a cup of coffee $1.50... My now $9 cup of coffee, Fucking hell(I hope she is putting out) . Didn't I just take you to dinner? If I wasn't such an asshole, I think I'd have better friends.
So, stressed, exhausted, Got to get some work done in the morning.....
Ok, I hate Bravo(yes the station), Sure I hate TV. But I'm watching law and order reruns or something, and I have to put up with all the crappy commercials for their Reality shows. They are all the same. Top Haircut, Best Design, Super Chef. Maybe I'm getting old, but I look at some of these people and go, I'd never let you touch my hair... Look at what is on their head, some combination of Wet Head or Spikey Do. Or some of the worst designed rooms I've ever seen.... And the fact they are on high rotation on Bravo, I have to hear 3 commercials for the same 2 shows every 15 minutes..... KILL YOUR TV!!! ok, that is all the rant space I have.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Speaking of beer....
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
All the food news that's fit to print.
Seriously, this makes my heart slow just thinking about it. And yet Compelling.........
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Corned beef and cabbage aint Cycling food.
friend,"hey what are you up to."
"I was trying to go to bed"
"come out and drink for st. Patricks day"
after all that, I licked my wounds all morning. got out and road the marina... so the construction workers have the road cut off at the industrial park.... I just hoofed it through all of it, but alot of people got turned back. One I imagin could hop on the freeway and ride to the next exit, I imagin. I don't think it's that far. But if your looking for an excuse to derail a ride, that construction is a good excuse. .... Let me just get to the joke.... Wow!!!! the stuff comming out of my butt after cornd beef and cabbage, Wow!!! on my ride I actually had to check my chamois....Wheeeeewwww. Once I got home, I then finished the Corned beef.... I've been wondering why I'm not quite feeling right. I think I've figured it out.