Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Force of will

Time to put some of my mojo to work.... Get back to feeling better by shear force of will... and good decision making. Put the rubber to the road, so to speak. Time for healthy food... good decisions and exercise....
Lets get it on!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Becoming a Walrus

I can remember when it started. a few years ago fit and strong, every month... getting worse. constantly swearing "ya, I"m doing it... I'll get there" Somehow it doesn't happen. Trying to wrap my head around long suffering fat consuming rides.. I don't want to suffer... I'd rather somehow enjoy it.... somehow changing who what where when I do...
   Last week... well didn't want to because it would make me too tired... this week I"m sick... they are not excuses... it's just what it is... but here it is... becoming a walrus...
dear god...